

Please note that the original transcripts had numbering errors.  The transcripts below have been corrected.

October 5, 2010 Transcripts - Morning

October 5, 2010 Transcripts - Afternoon

October 6, 2010 Transcripts - Morning

October 6, 2010 Transcripts - Afternoon to 5PM

October 6, 2010 Transcripts - Evening to 7PM 

Transcript Errata Sheet for October 5, 2010

October 7, 2010 Transcripts 

Proceedings Exhibit List (Exhibit A6)

A Series - Yukon Utilities Board B Series - YEC and YECL (Applicant) C Series - Intervenors

A Series - Yukon Utilities Board

A1: Board Order 2010-06 regarding Phase II Hearing Schedule (May 3, 2010)

A2: Board Order 2010-07 regarding Phase II Intervenors and Issues (May 21, 2010)

A3: Board Order 2010-08 regarding Extension to IRs Response Deadline (July 13, 2010)

A4: YUB Information Request (June 21, 2010)

A5: YUB LE Intervenor Evidence IRs (August 17, 2010)

A6: Proceedings Exhibits List (October 7, 2010)

B Series - YEC and YECL (Applicant)

B1: Joint YEC/ YECL Phase II Application (February 19, 2010)

B2: YECL Rider D – Diesel Generation Recovery Rider (March 1, 2010)

B3: 2009 Rate Design Models (May 12, 2010)

B4: Applicants’ Consolidated Response to All IRs (July 23, 2010)

        Individual IR responses can be found on main Phase II page.                        

B5: Applicants’ Further Response to IR LE-31 (August 4, 2010)

B6: Applicants’ Cover Letter to LE Intervenor Evidence IRs (August 17, 2010)

B7: YECL LE Intervenor Evidence IRs (August 17, 2010)

B8: YEC LE Intervenor Evidence IRs (August 17, 2010)

B9: Applicants’ Correspondence regarding Hearing Panels (September 30, 2010)

B10: Applicants’ Witness CVs (September 30, 2010)

B11: Rate Design Option C (October 1, 2010)

B12: Correction to Rate Design Option C (October 4, 2010)

B13: Joint Panel Opening Comments (October 4, 2010)

B14: YEC Rate Design Panel Opening Comments (October 4, 2010)

B15: YECL Panel Opening Comments (October 4, 2010)

B16: Impact on COS of Exhibit B9 (October 6, 2010)

B17: YEC 20 Year Resource Plan YUB-YEC-1-3 (October 6, 2010) - Page 1

B17: YEC 20 Year Resource Plan YUB-YEC-1-3 (October 6, 2010) - Page 2

B18: Undertaking for 2011 and 2012 Rate Impact Example (October 6, 2010)

B19: Undertaking for FortisAlberta’s Maximum Investment Levels (October 6, 2010)

B20: YEC Aid to Cross - Excerpts regarding Rider D, Deferral Account (October 7, 2010)

B21: Undertaking for Residential Customers by Month (October 7, 2010)

B22: Undertaking for Load Factors and Coincident Peak (October 7, 2010)

B23: Undertaking for Rider F Calculations (October 7, 2010)

B24: Undertaking regarding Multi-Residential Sites (October 7, 2010) 

B25: Undertaking for Energy Reconciliation Adjustment Calculations (October 7, 2010) 

B26: YECL Undertakings (October 12, 2010)


C Series - Intervenors

C1-1: Leading Edge Projects request for Intervenor Status (February 23, 2010)

C1-2: Leading Edge Projects Information Request (June 10, 2010)

C1-3: Leading Edge Projects IR Clarification Request (July 29, 2010)

C1-4: Leading Edge Projects Intervenor Evidence (August 6, 2010)

C1-5: LE Response to Whitehorse IR on Intervenor Evidence (August 30, 2010)

C1-6: LE Response to YUB IR on Intervenor Evidence (August 30, 2010)

C1-7: LE Response to YEC IR on Intervenor Evidence (August 30, 2010)

C1-8: LE Response to YECL IR on Intervenor Evidence (August 30, 2010)

C1-9: LE Aid to Cross Mayo B YUB-YEC-1-25 Attachment (October 7, 2010) 


C2-1: Keith Lay request for Intervenor Status (May 14, 2010)

C2-2: Keith Lay Intervenor Evidence (July 14, 2010)


C3-1: City of Whitehorse request for Intervenor Status (May 17, 2010)

C3-2: City of Whitehorse Information Request (June 21, 2010)

C3-3: City of Whitehorse LE Intervenor Evidence IR (August 17, 2010)

C3-4: City of Whitehorse re YEC Option C (October 4, 2010)

C3-5: City of Whitehorse Aid to Cross - Mayo B IR CW-YEC-1-22 (October 6, 2010)

C3-6: City of Whitehorse Aid to Cross - Board Order 1996-7 (October 6, 2010)


C4-1: Utilities Consumers’ Group (UCG) request for Intervenor Status (May 17, 2010)

C4-2: UCG Information Request (June 21, 2010)


C5-1: Peter Percival request for Intervenor Status (May 17, 2010)

C5-2: Peter Percival Information Request (June 21, 2010)


Leading Edge - YUB re: Undertaking #4, dated October 18, 2010

Outstanding YECL Undertakings, dated October 12, 2010