Yukon Energy Corporation

Established in 1987, Yukon Energy is a publicly-owned electrical utility that operates as a business, at arms length from the Yukon government. It is the main generator and transmitter of electrical energy in the Yukon and they work with its parent company, Yukon Development Corporation to provide Yukoners with a sufficient supply of safe, reliable electricity and related energy services.

There are almost 15,000 electricity consumers in the territory. Yukon Energy directly serves about 1,700 of these customers, most of whom live in and around Dawson City, Mayo and Faro. Indirectly, it provides power to many other Yukon communities (including Whitehorse, Carcross, Carmacks, Haines Junction, Ross River and Teslin) through the Yukon Electrical Company Limited, which buys wholesale power from Yukon Energy Corporation and sells it to retail customers in the territory.

Yukon Energy Corporation has the capacity to generate 116 megawatts of power - 75 megawatts of that are provided by its hydro facilities in Whitehorse, Mayo and Aishihik Lake (40 megawatts at Whitehorse, 30 megawatts at Aishihik and 5 megawatts at Mayo), 39 megawatts by diesel generators (which are currently only used as back-up) and 0.8 megawatts by two wind turbines located on Haeckel Hill near Whitehorse.

Yukon Energy Corporation is regulated by the Business Corporations Act, the Public Utilities Act and the Yukon Water Act. Its headquarters are located near the Whitehorse Rapids hydro plant in Whitehorse, with community offices in Mayo, Faro and Dawson City.

For further information, please refer to additional information on Yukon Energy Corporation’s Web site at www.yukonenergy.ca