Government of Yukon Orders In Council
Public Utilities Act and Regulations
- OIC 2023/144 Excluded Undertaking (Lower Post Photovoltaic System Project) Regulation
- OIC 2023/143 Excluded Undertaking (Atlin Hydro Expansion Project) Regulation
- OIC 2022/211 YUB Remuneration Regulation
- OIC 2021/16 Direction amending the Rate Policy Directive
- OIC 2020/180 Battery Energy Storage System project
- OIC 2019/26 Independent Power Production and Micro-Generation Regulation
- OIC 2019/25 Direction to the Yukon Utilities Board (Independent Power Production)
- OIC 2018/220 Direction to amend the Rate Policy Directive
- OIC 2014/23 - Direction Amending the Rate Policy Directive (OIC 1995/090)
- OIC 2013/200 - Designating Whitehorse Diesel to Natural Gas Conversion Project as Part 3 PUA energy project
- OIC 2012/68 - Direction Amending the Rate Policy Directive (OIC 1995/090)
- OIC 2009/220 - Mayo B energy project designated as energy project
- Rate Policy Directive - Retail rate Adjustment Y.O.I.C. 2008/149
- Industrial primary rate directive, Y.O.I.C. 2007/94
- Establishes the Whitehorse-Aishihik-Faro electricity grid as a project, Y.O.I.C. 2007/51
- Energy Project Certificate and Energy Operation Certificate Application Regulation Y.O.I.C. 2007/50
- Public Utilities Act, R.S.Y. 2002, c. 186
- Piped Propane Distribution Directive, Y.O.I.C. 2002/74
- Tri-partite Agreement among Yukon Energy Corporation, Government of Yukon and Anvil Range Mining Corporation, Y.O.I.C. 1997/139
- Diesel Contingency Fund Directive, Y.O.I.C. 1997/090
- Rate Policy Directive (1995), Y.O.I.C. 1995/090
- Capital Projects Directive, Y.O.I.C. 1992/092
- Yukon Power Corporation Regulations, Y.O.I.C. 1987/071
- Yukon Electric Company Limited rate application hearing adjourned, Y.O.I.C. 1986/178
- Yukon Utilities Board per diem, Y.O.I.C. 1985/275
- Fee Schedule, Y.O.I.C. 1985/157
Economic Development Act and Regulations
Yukon Development Corporation Act and Regulations
- Yukon Development Corporation Act, R.S.Y. 2002, c. 236
- Directive to pay all costs incurred by Yukon Utilities Board re proposed gas distribution system in Whitehorse, Y.O.I.C. 2002/75
- Rate Stabilization Fund, Y.O.I.C. 1998/205
- Energy Conservation Fund, Y.O.I.C. 1998/204
- YDC provision of Energy Conservation Fund, Y.O.I.C. 1997/091
- Policy Directive No. 2, Y.O.I.C. 1997/013
- Yukon Development Corporation Fund Order, Y.O.I.C. 1996/083
- Yukon Development Corporation Regulation, Y.O.I.C. 1993/108
- Policy Directive, No. 1, Y.O.I.C. 1993/107
- Rate Stabilization Fund (2007), Y.O.I.C. 1993/107